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Faye N. Tupa, O.D.,P.C.

Faye N. Tupa, O.D.,P.C.

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Faye Tupa, O.D.

Faye Tupa, O.D.

Dr. Faye Tupa received a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science from Texas A&M University in 1998.

In 2002 she graduated with honors from the University of Houston College of Optometry with a Doctor of Optometry degree. She completed specialty rotations in glaucoma management, neuro-ophthamology, and pediatric optometry.

Following an internship at Houston Eye Associates she practiced in Lake Jackson, Texas. After one year of practice she returned to her home town of Ganado and began practicing in Victoria, Texas.

Dr. Tupa is currently licensed as a Therapeutic Optometrist and an Optometric Glaucoma Specialist. Her areas of interest include pediatrics, treatment and management of ocular disease, and contact lenses. She is a member of the American and the Texas Optometric Associations, as well as the local Central South Texas Optometric Association.

When not in the office Dr. Tupa enjoys spending time outdoors, “antiquing”, and most of all being a mom to her children, Logan and Kara.